Academic All-State
Dear Cheer Coaches:
Hello! My name is Valerie Ewing and I am the Academic All-State Chairperson for the South Dakota Cheer Coaches Association. I just wanted to touch base with you and let everyone know the qualifications for Academic All-State. The qualifications are as follows:
- Senior
- Cheered for at least two years
- 3.5 GPA (Based on a 4.0 scale)
If you have any squad members that meet these qualifications, please send me a list of their name(s), the name of the high school, and your mailing address so I can send you their certificates. Make sure to check the spelling of each name before you submit your list, so that I spell them correctly on the certificates. Their names will also be listed on the South Dakota Cheer Coaches website at www.sdcca.k12.sd.us. As soon as your season is over, you can request your certificates. You can either mail me your names at the address below or email them to me at valerie.ewing@k12.sd.us. All names must be submitted by the 30th of April and certificates will go out no later than the 5th May. If you need them before that, let me know.
There is also an Academic All-State Team Award that is given by the South Dakota High School Activities Association. You can get the form for that from your local Athletic Director or off the SDHSAA webpage.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to call or email me. My number is 605-842-8125. Thanks!
Valerie Ewing
South Dakota Cheer Coaches Association
Academic All-State Chairperson
