SDCCA's Scholarship
The South Dakota Cheer Coaches Association Scholarship recognizes scholastic achievement and athletic excellence in the sport of cheerleading. We invite you to acknowledge your cheerleading scholar athletes. The South Dakota Cheerleading Coaches Association is awarding two, $250.00 scholarships to high school seniors who display outstanding scholastic achievement and excellence in the sport of cheerleading.
To qualify as a candidate, a high school, senior cheerleader must have a minimum of 3.5 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 point scale through the end of their junior year, and the cheerleading coach must be a member of the South Dakota Cheer Coaches’ Association. The following documents include additional information, guidelines, and application form.
1) Coaches are to read through their applicant’s listing of school, community, and religious activities. Please verify this list with your signature at the bottom of the page.
2) Please limit letters of recommendation to one page.
3) Application materials must be postmarked by April 24, 2015. It is wonderful if you have multiple applications! Please make as many copies of these forms as needed.
The South Dakota Cheer Coaches Association Scholarship recognizes scholastic achievement and athletic excellence in the sport of cheerleading. We invite you to acknowledge your cheerleading scholar athletes.
Scholarship Chairperson: Bruce Kleinsasser

Application Form:

Congratulations to our previous scholarship recipients!